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FOR individuals

find happiness and ease in your commute and travel

If your commute was similar to most commuters - the experience is frustrating and stressful. Maybe it’s time to consider your options.



The first step is to think about your commute.  If it’s working well for you, great! But if it isn’t working as well as it used to, then maybe it’s time to consider making a few adjustments.

see how your commute stacks up

The second step is to consider your options and decide on which you are interested in trying. This is all new and there are a lot of variables, but you don’t have to recreate the wheel or do it all yourself. That’s the hard way.  Check out the step-by-step guides below to learn how to use some of your options.



The third step is to trust your preparation, set a day and take action.  Start small. Try it on a weekend or a day off when you aren’t rushing around and can figure out the small new things that you hadn’t thought about or planned for. Then try it for real, and schedule a good day to try it for a commute.


The trick is to take it one step at a time and just give it a try. Try a new mobility option over the weekend. Target once a week as your day to choose mobility. Overtime, you can try different options, decide what works for you, and that’s great.



try mobility step by step

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Bus and rail

man riding bike with backpack


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additional resources

Try the New platform (web, IOSApp, AndriodApp) to find travel buddies, information on the difference you are making, and for access to rewards.


Ever wondered how much your commute costs?  It might be more that you think. Find out with this Commute Calculator.


Did you know that AAA estimates that the average vehicle costs $8,469 per year?  Check out what yours costs you here.

And while the financial costs of commuting can be surprising, the impact to your health is worth considering too. Click here to learn some techniques to deal with the stress that comes from driving yourself to work.

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